Sales Page – Lurn Forums Offer Creation The “What” vs the “How” in Copy

  • The “What” vs the “How” in Copy

    Posted by Kareem on September 27, 2022 at 7:59 pm

    In Anik’s Video “The 5-step formula to writing a great copy”, he talks about how the “A-ha” moment is in the “What” not the “How”. Can someone please explain this further I don’t quite understand it.

    Zaid replied 2 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Zaid

    September 28, 2022 at 12:12 am
    Lurn Ambassador

    Hi Kareem,

    My understanding is
    that Anik is telling us to focus on the “WHAT” (which is a general description of
    the course or the product and most importantly what it will do to the live of your client). The HOW TO DO IT is what people will buy and pay for. Also, his recommendation is that in the WHAT
    we provide as many AHA moments as we can to catch client’s attention, convince
    them that the product will add value to their lives, and solve their problem in
    the best way possible (better results + less effort + shorter time).

    Good luck!

    • Paul

      September 28, 2022 at 3:19 am
      Lurn Ambassador

      Nice run down Zaid! You’re selling the HOW so don’t give it away in the Copy.

  • Andrew

    September 29, 2022 at 2:01 pm
    Lurn Achiever

    “What vs the How”

    To lose weight, you need to change the way you eat, exercise and rest. That is the “what.”

    Getting into the specific way you calculate calories and the proper form for different exercises you should do would be the “how.”

    In the Lurn Academy webinar, Anik revealed the “Niche Compass” and told you the three things you need to look for to pick a good niche. He didn’t walk you through step by step how to do niche research though – that’s done in the program.

    A-Ha moments

    The goal of a sales presentation is for the right prospect to realize that your solution can help them get the result they want. To do that they need to change their beliefs. That’s where A-Ha moments come in.

    During the Lurn Academy webinar, Anik showed examples of courses on Udemy that are successful. These included topics like coloring and pickling that are surprising. This creates an “a-ha” moment that there are a lot of topics you can be successful with information marketing, not just the narrow set of topics that most people think.

    When creating a sales letter, VSL, webinar or talking to a prospect on the phone, you need to ask yourself “what do my prospects need to believe before they are willing to buy my offer?” Usually it’s a combination of…

    – I want to prioritize getting this result

    – It’s possible to get this result easier and in less time than I previously thought

    – This person has created a system that can help me get that result

    – I trust this person

    – This is a really good offer

    – It is worth investing money and time into this solution

    – I need to do this now

    • Zaid

      October 2, 2022 at 12:34 am
      Lurn Ambassador

      Thank you Andrew, that was great!

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