Sales Page – Lurn Forums Course Creation Mini courses

  • Mini courses

    Posted by Alup on March 12, 2023 at 11:33 am

    Hi everyone

    Hope all is good. I’m a newbie and trying to figure out my bearings.

    I just recently bought the Create & Sell Your Own Mini Course with ChatGPT, Teachingly and Lurn Academy. Did anyone else here buy this product? I’m not sure where to start with creating a mini course and which course to kick off with? Hope someone can help.


    Stever replied 1 year, 1 month ago 7 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Michael

    March 12, 2023 at 2:46 pm
    Lurn Expert

    Ive been asking some of the same questions myself the only thing Ive been told is start off with the selecting a niche course this is the one that was recommended to me in one of the Q&A sessions.

    Picking The Right Niche & Research Hacking

  • Michael

    March 12, 2023 at 2:48 pm
    Lurn Expert

    I also saw another one that I’m sure but will help. it has to do with ChatGPT.

    Hoe this Helps

    ChatGPT For Information Marketers

  • Stever

    March 12, 2023 at 11:50 pm
    Lurn Ambassador

    Not familiar with Create & Sell Your Own Mini Course with ChatGPT course or Teachingly. Do you access them through Lurn Academy?

    Do you know what courses you intend to create?

    ChatGPT will help you once you have a direction, so focus on what type of course(s) you want to create and who will need them.

    I suspect starting with the “Create & Sell Your Own Mini Course with ChatGPT” will be your best starting point, and will help you determine what other things you need to learn.

    Let us know what you are doing… GoGoGo!

    • Shai

      March 14, 2023 at 4:32 pm
      Lurn Expert

      Hello Stever,

      I’m in the same boat. Where can we find the course you mentioned: “Create & Sell Your Own Mini Course with ChatGPT” I don’t see it here on the platform.


      • Stever

        March 14, 2023 at 5:45 pm
        Lurn Ambassador

        Hey Shai, I am sorry, I really don’t know that particular course, so I can’t point to it. (My answer is based on what I know of OTHER Lurn courses, not this specific one.) Perhaps an email to can help us find it.

  • Michael

    March 14, 2023 at 8:50 pm
    Lurn Expert

    Here is the Sales page link

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Michael.
    • Stever

      March 15, 2023 at 9:28 pm
      Lurn Ambassador

      Ah, I see. This isn’t actually a Lurn created course, it is produced by another company and is teamed up with Lurn, who includes a year access to Lurn Academy. It looks like a good tool… but you must still create courses people want to buy.

      • Shanthi

        March 17, 2023 at 2:05 am
        Lurn Expert

        Thanks Stever, I attended the Sales pitch free training where I purchased Prezentar which comes with Teachingly and access to Lurn Academy. I do not recall them mentioning that Lurn Academy access is only for 12 months.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Shanthi.
        • Stever

          March 17, 2023 at 3:31 pm
          Lurn Ambassador

          I did take a look at the sales page and it DOES say the access to LurnAcademy is for 12 months. If you find it useful after that, you will need to pay an annual fee. Keep in mind that LurnAcademy is provided as a BONUS to what you purchased, and the course you paid for is on that OTHER platform.

          That said, I encourage you to take advantage of your access here in LurnAcademy.

  • Michael

    March 15, 2023 at 9:45 pm
    Lurn Expert

    Hello I have some more information. The course is scheduled for release on the 17th of March. So it is a thing. Can’t wit!

    • Stever

      March 16, 2023 at 12:08 pm
      Lurn Ambassador

      I will look for it Friday then… thanks.

      • Shanthi

        March 17, 2023 at 2:02 am
        Lurn Expert

        Hi Stever, what course will be released on Friday?

        • Stever

          March 17, 2023 at 3:32 pm
          Lurn Ambassador

          I really don’t know if there is a course being released on LurnAcademy today, I was responding to the note Michael made about it.

  • Shanthi

    March 17, 2023 at 2:01 am
    Lurn Expert

    Hello, I have been asking the same question. I purchased the Prezentar in Feb, it comes with Lurn bonuses and everything else they mentioned during the free training. I took 3 emails before I got access to Lurn. Just got access a couple of days ago.

    I keep getting emails for Coaching Clinic calls but they are not related to ChatGPT or Prezentar. I also received an email today saying that I have free access to Lurn Academy for the next 12 months. Does this mean we have to pay a membership fee after that?

    • Stever

      March 17, 2023 at 3:36 pm
      Lurn Ambassador

      The coaching clinics are related to Lurn Courses, not the Prezentar package you purchased. The access to LurnAcademy is for 12 months only, and if you find it helpful, you will need to pay annually after that. Remember, this was included as a bonus to Prezentar which is on another platform.

      • Shanthi

        March 19, 2023 at 11:18 pm
        Lurn Expert

        Thank you. Would have been nice if everything was spelt out at the very beginning. I have received bonuses from other programs I have purchased and never had to pay for it, that was the meaning of a bonus.

        • Stever

          March 20, 2023 at 12:20 am
          Lurn Ambassador

          I understand. Please take advantage of it while you have it. All the best on your adventure!

  • Zach

    March 28, 2023 at 8:50 am
    Lurn Expert

    Hi Stever,

    When I was on the webinar, Anik said that Lurn Academy will also be offered as a lifetime access bonus.


    • Stever

      March 28, 2023 at 1:56 pm
      Lurn Ambassador

      Thanks for that Zach. I can’t speak to that because I have not attended that webinar. It is very confusing though. Perhaps sending an email to to ask for clarification would be helpful.

      Meanwhile, dig in and GoGoGo!

      • Zach

        March 28, 2023 at 4:49 pm
        Lurn Expert

        Will do, thanks for the response.

  • Bryan

    July 22, 2023 at 12:59 pm
    Lurn Expert

    I just signed up for the “Ultimate AI Course Creation Package + Software Bundle” at

    Took a few days to get access to Lurn Academy. The sales page lists Things that I’m supposed to find here, How do I access #4 <b style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>Expert VIP Concierge Desk or #5 <b style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>Course Creation War Room?

    I’ve spent some time trying to find a ChatGPT course on teachingly and prezentar but those sites make no sense to me. I guess I’ve got a couple of weeks left to figure out if keeping Teachingly is worth the $797 or take the Clickbank refund.

    Where are you in the process?

    has anyone here used Teachingly or Prezentar?

  • Bryan

    July 22, 2023 at 1:03 pm
    Lurn Expert

    Well I guess copy and paste doesn’t do what I wanted!

    That should have just been #4 Expert VIP Concierge Desk and #5 Course Creation War Room

  • Stever

    July 22, 2023 at 3:57 pm
    Lurn Ambassador


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